Smarter Nucleic acid Purification

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    The genomic DNA binds under non-chaotropic conditions to the surface of the different supports. All impurities are very efficiently removed and the ultra-pure DNA is eluted in a lo...

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    PCR Product & DNA Fragment Purification and Concentration Advantages convenient and fast sample processing the most efficient removal of contaminants high recovery rate of PC...

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    The kits using the RTP technology provide an Extraction Tube containing lyophilized lysis reagents (non-chaotropic lysis buffer, Proteinase K, other lytic enzymes), carrier nucleic...

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    A unique feature of the STRATEC Molecular RNA Kits is the selective removal of genomic DNA from the lysate before RNA purification This step eliminates the hassle and cost of DNase...

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    The adaptation of well-established STRATEC Molecular kits to common robotic workstations allows for a simple and convenient automated isolation of DNA and RNA from different starti...
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